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How to configure periodical cash flows

 With this feature, you can easily record repeating periodical cash flows, e.g. monthly utility fees, salary and your original definitions. Configured cash flows will be duplicated on every 1st day of the month.


1. create a flow that you want to repeat periodically

2. at the "Flows" tab swipe the flow from right to left, then choose "Repetition..."

3. at the "Repetition screen", set "Repetition" to On, choose "DAY OF A MONTH" and "INTERVAL", then press the "Done" button

4. at the "Definitions" tab, tap "Periodic Items". Then you can confirm the configured items, and/or stop  a repetition item by choosing "Delete" with right to left swipe action




Here you will find video introduction to our iOS app " Cash flow note ". And you can also find some instructions on this app's features. Introduction to iOS app "Cash flow note" Available features How to configure periodical cash flows


ここでは、iOSアプリ「 お金の流れ帳 」の紹介ビデオを公開しております。 iOSアプリ「お金の流れ帳」の紹介 クレジットカードの利用記録方法